11 – 15 NOVEMBER 2015
Lecture: 11 Nov
Performance. 15 Nov
Curated by Melati Suryodarmo, Studio Plesungan
Elin Lundgren presented a new performance piece ” I’M HERE FOR YOU and had a lecture at the International Performance event – UNDISCLOSED TERRITORY#9 I’M HERE FOR YOU is a new performance created on site in Indonesia. “I’M HERE FOR YOU” – Is a performative speech “to the nation”. A speech to unite in bad times and in good times, in destruction and despair, to build up and destroy. “Undisclosed Territory” is an annual international performance event at Studio Plesungan in Karanganyar, Solo/Surakarta, Java, Indonesia, run by the curator and artist Melati Suryadarmo. The Studio Plseungan opened in 2012 with the aim to initiate variuos art project and open a meeting point for art. ” Undisclosed Territory” is one of Studio Plesungans art projects, which is created to strengthen the platform of performance art, and to develop its intellectual in a dynamic scale, as well as providing space and time for the artists to interact with the public. Through these activities, “Undisclosed Territory” is meant to open a new layer of understanding performance art from different perspectives and historical backgrounds and influences as well as the artistic processes and relationship to the socio-cultural contexts. The performance and the artistic exchange was Supported by IASPIS – – The Swedish Arts Grants Committee’s International Programme for Visual Artists Elin Lundgren framförde under det internationella performanceeventet – UNDISCLOSED TERRITORY#9 ett nytt performanceverk skapad på plats i Indonesien och häll i en föreläsning om Lilith Performance Studio. “I’M HERE FOR YOU” – Är ett performativttal till “nationen”. Ett politiskt brandtal om att enas i svåra tider, i bra tider, i förstörelse och katastrof, i förtvivlan och hopp, att bygga upp och att riva ner. ”Undisclosed Teritory” är ett internationellt performanceevent som äger rum årligen på Studio Plesungan i Karanganyar, lite utanför Solo/Surakarta, Java, Indonesia och drivs av den konstnärliga ledaren, curatorn och konstnären Melati Suryadarmo. Studio Plseungan startades 2012, med avsikt att skapa varierande konstprojekt och mötesplatser för nationella och internationella konstnärer. Årtes upplaga hade fokuset på performancekonst av kvinnliga konstnärer med olika bakgrunder inom såväl konst som kultur. Performancen och det internationella kulturutbytet kunde genomföras med stöd av: IASPIS – Konstnärsnämnden
A Battle with words.Quotes from various speeches by; Barak Obama, George W Bush, the former Swedish primeminister Olof Palme, The Swedish Prime minister Stefan Löven, the former Swedish primeminister Fredrik Reinfeldt, Adolf Hitler, Angela Merkel, David Cameron, Muhammadar Khadaffi, Martin Luther King, The Swedish King, Francois Hollande among others.
“Undisclosed Territory” approaches to open the boundaries and cross section between performance art, visual arts and performing arts by focusing on the practice and presentations of works both of young emerging and who has been working in the area of performance art for longer term. It invites performance artists from Indonesia and abroad to present their performance works, to give lectures and artist’s talk during the days of the event.
This years edition on “Undisclosed Territory had its focus on women artists in performance and will include worksshops, lectures and performances by 19 artists from 11 countries.
En strid med ord. Citat från tal av bl.a: Barak Obama, George W Bush, Olof Palme, Fredrik Reinfeldt, Angela Merkel, David Cameron, Kung Carl Gustav, Stefan Löven, Adolf Hitler, Muhammadar Khadaffi, Martin Luther King, Francois Hollande
”Undisclosed Territory” är ett av konstprojekten i Studion som Suryodarmo initierade för att skapa en plattform för performancekonst
”Undisclosed Territory” bjuder in nationella och internationella konstnärer att under 1-2 veckors tid hålla föreläsningar, workshops och framföra performance.
Undisclosed Territory #9 presenterade 19 kvinnliga konstnärer från 11 länder.